BC Bloggers: What am I Grateful for Recently?
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Everyday must be wonderful for all of us but there are times we feel down and hate the day so much. Well, that's normal I think. That's what makes life balance.
What am I grateful for recently is that my husband and I just got our copy of our wedding photos and videos. Happy to see them. Yes, we have a new life to start. The results are wonderful. We are very much satisfied. Thanks to Jommar S. Lopez Digital Photography. Also, I want to thank all my friends, relatives, officemates and all the people who witnessed our special day for their presence, we appreciate your full support and efforts.
Thanks for last week's participants:
Why is it that wedding albums take so long to finish, ano? It was the same for me and my husband. But we were to blame din somewhat because it took us months to choose from the hundreds of photos sent to us by our photographer.
Godspeed! May finally getting your album signify the start of great things to some for you and your hubby! :)
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